Welcome to the best account in Germany.
We are convinced that the account of the future must be able to do more than just make payments. It must be a useful everyday companion that is always there when you need it. Your account should understand you, provide very special added value, and at the same time enable secure payments worldwide. With MehrKonto, we have created an intelligent customer world that offers you very special extras for your accounts & cards, making them absolutely unique. Whether you're out on the town, shopping online, or traveling - MehrKonto understands you and accompanies you in your everyday life.
Discover all benefits

Your account becomes an experience
An account that knows exactly what makes me tick and gives me exclusive offers that suit me exactly? A bank card that gives me cashback at hundreds of online stores? A product search with millions of products - many of them with cashback at the best price? Great local offers from renowned partners that reward my loyalty? Get 5% of the price refunded on every trip?
Admittedly - that sounds pretty crazy. However, that's exactly what we've created for you with MehrKonto.
Always and everywhere
Experience MehrKonto here on the portal, on the go in our new smartphone app, and on the web with our browser app. You're guaranteed not to miss a thing.
On your marks, shopping, go...
With just a few clicks, you can activate Banking+ and immediately benefit immediately from the new shopping possibilities of your account.